Family Service Society, Inc. provides professional counseling and community services that empower individuals and families to deal more effectively with their challenges, enhancing the quality of their lives.
VISION STATEMENT Family Service Society, Inc. will be the leader of professional counseling and community services. Those we serve will be the focus of all we do and the heart of every decision we make. Our environment will be one of cooperation, respect, trust, creativity, and commitment
VALUES Planting the seeds for a better tomorrow
Compassion - We respond to those we serve and to each other with warmth and kindness. We build our relationships on a foundation of genuine concern, empathy and care. In doing so, we build trust with those we serve and plant seeds of hope for a better tomorrow.
Empowerment - We work tirelessly to identify and support the development of strengths in those we serve and in each other. By increasing confidence and resilience in others and ourselves, we are able to overcome life's challenges and storms.
Respect - We offer the same unconditional regard to those we serve regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation, gender or life challenges they bring. We listen, encourage and acknowledge those we serve and each other. In so doing, we foster an environment where the seeds of hope are watered with validation, confidence and recognition.
Integrity - We exhibit honesty and congruence between what we say and what we do. We courageously come alongside families and individuals who are enduring pain and difficult life circumstances. In walking with those we serve, we give air to the seed of hope.
Transparency - We are open with those we serve as we work together. We recognize our duty as a non-profit to be open and honest in all we do with our funders, donors and the larger community. Transparency shines a light on all that we do, nurturing and strengthening the seed that begins to blossom.
Excellence - We are continually growing our skills and knowledge while seeking ways to improve and innovate. Through training, continued education and supervision, we expand our expertise within a data driven approach, allowing us to create better and brighter tomorrows for individuals and families. The blossoms from those beginning seeds begin to grow through our careful tending to ensure a better tomorrow.
Family Service Society, Inc.'s Value Proposition Statement