Family Service Society, Inc. Philosophy on Gratitude
Gratitude is a choice that allows us the opportunity to value each other and our experiences.
It is a focus on beauty and the good that may often go unrecognized.
It allows us to authentically connect with our world and each other.
It may appear to stand in contradiction with our striving for excellence, our desire to improve or achieve even more. Instead, it is in opposition to those parts in us that needlessly compare ourselves, foolishly state we can do it alone, are never satisfied and are driven by shame believing we are not good enough.
In fact, gratitude creates confidence and courage for us to achieve more than we even imagined by giving us time to reflect, appreciate and celebrate all that is already possible.
It is the capacity to be present, absent ego. Thankful for the gift of this moment, and all its potentiality that we did not create, but merely received as a blessing.
We encourage gratitude in the workplace through the ways we talk to and support each other each day, when we celebrate success and when we tenderly come together in times of hardship. We are grateful for all each brings to our work. Knowing our strength comes from each other.